Why weight loss?
Why would I lose fat with out really making an effort, other than avoiding wheat?
I didn’t feel hungry so it wasn’t calorie deprivation. I hit the books and the literature. What did I find out? Many very interesting facts about wheat and why I lost weight.
1. Wheat is much more glycemic than table sugar (sucrose). It stimulates insulin about 50% more. Just avoiding wheat products and bread would decrease my circulating insulin. More insulin to store fat. When eating wheat I was more likely to have an insulin trough that creates hunger.
2. Modern wheat has gliadin protein. When the protein is broken down, it results in opiate analogues that attach to opiate receptors in the body. Besides creating a craving, it also makes people hungry. Hungry?...is that why wheat is in so many products??
3. People that eliminate wheat eat 400 less calories per day on average.
To be continued...