Diagnosis Diabetes
The diagnosis of diabetes can be very upsetting for anyone. It is certainly inconvenient. It can be deadly. Diabetes can mean pills, injections, blood tests, doctor visits, big changes in diet, and big changes in lifestyle. That assumes that the patient decides to address the disease.
Common Sense Medicine
A friend and colleague recently got that diagnosis. As I have observed, my medical and dental friends are no less likely to be in denial than anyone else. They do have a better idea of the consequences. He asked me what he should do. I have seen many patients that were suffering the effects of diabetes, my relatives included. I know from the current science that it is not inevitable to go blind, have kidney failure, lose sensation, and lose limbs.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
I told him what I knew. Nothing I invented. It is in the scientific literature. It is almost common sense. Avoid grains(high glycemic and contain high omega 6), eat high quality protein, avoid chemicals that have bad side-effects, eat food that decreases inflammation, eat fiber, eat only small amounts of simple sugars, and get a moderate amount of regular exercise. Test what you eat by checking blood sugar often. Everyone is a little different. He did exactly that. In about three weeks, he lost 15 pounds. His blood sugar readings have dropped into normal range. He is excited to find out what his lipid tests and HbA1c will look like in a couple months.
Empathetic Healthy Doctor
This experience will make him a better doctor and his health may well be better than if he maintained his habits and didn’t get the diagnosis of diabetes. He will certainly have greater empathy for his patients that have diabetes. A blessing in disguise. Pray it is.