I try to be careful that I discern good science from bad. That is why I pay particular attention
to the thoughts of good scientists who exhaustively review literature with an effort to avoid personal bias. I have been enjoying a recent book, Perfect Health Diet, by two Ph.D’s that were stimulated to investigate why they had health problems. Neither is directly involved with healthcare, one being an astrophysicist and the other a molecular biologist. They came to the conclusion. based on 5 years of sifting through both good and bad science, that essentially the so called “paleolithic diet” is the correct approach. I must admit that I had come to that belief as well based on much less science and more on observation of myself and my patients. Essentially, limiting grains, simple sugars, and dairy products have made a big difference for me, my family, and other people that I know. It took me a very long time, over 30 years, to do that.
I am enjoying the information gathered in this book. Yes, it does agree with my bias. But, if someone else agrees with my opinion, it must be correct. (wink)
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
― Hippocrates